Award-Winning Bravo Tea Exhibiting at EXPO West

Bravo Tea received a Gold Retailer Choice Award for its Hair Regrowth tea, which also received a Silver Consumer Choice Award. Bravo’s Clear & Smooth Skin tea received a Bronze Retailer Choice Award

How to Identify High-Quality Teas

The highest quality tea leaves can be identified using four of your five senses: sight, smell, touch, and taste (although how amazing would it be to hear the sound of tea as well?). We’ve compiled a list of how to assess each of these senses to determine that your tea is the quality you seek. […]

Introducing Mushroom Wonders by Bravo Tea

Introducing Bravo Tea's Newest Line Mushroom Wonders

A New Line of Premium Mushroom Teas Over the years in cultivating and creating our brand, we dreamed of creating a new line of premium mushroom-focused teas. The years of research, testing, and patience have paid off.

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