Top Teas & Herbs for Healthy Immunity

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Healthy Immunity with TCM

A great way to naturally support healthy immunity is with herbal tea blends based on Traditional Chinese Herbalism. Teas are just as effective as capsule supplements, and are a fraction of the cost, making them much more accessible.

Warm Drinks in TCM

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, warm drinks are the best way to keep the body working in harmony.  In North America, we love our cold drinks, but in many places throughout the world most drinks are served warm or hot.

In TCM, it’s thought that warm water and non-caffeinated beverages promotes the flow of blood, soothes bloating, fights fatigue, and keeps the body maintain its optimum core temperature.

According to TCM, cold drinks force the body to work overtime to get back to its normal temperature. Non-caffeinated beverages like herbal tea deliver more than nutrition, they can help support the body and organs hydrated.
Warm, nutritious, and caffeine free drinks support healthy immunity


Cold drinks force the body to work overtime to get back to its normal temperature. Non-caffeinated beverages like herbal tea deliver more than nutrition, they can help support the body and organs hydrated.

All of our drinks can be made into iced tea, and we still enjoy cold drinks! Still, at times when your body needs to work overtime to keep you healthy, it’s good practice to incorporate a few warm drinks into your everyday routine. A warm cup of tea is comforting and soothing at all times of the year.

Understanding Immunity in TCM

The concept of how the immune system works is different than how we understand it in the West. Each organ and organ system in the body has its own specialized kind of Qi (pronounced like chee).

In TCM, our immune defense system is broken down into three categories: Wei Qi, Ying Qi, and Yuan Qi. Each of the systems work together, supporting each other and they’re all affected by the foods that we eat, the activities that we do, and how we care for our bodies.

Different Categories of Qi

The Wei Qi is the outer defense system of our bodies. One sure fire way to support our Wei Qi is by keeping the body healthy with exercise.

In colder months, be sure to do less strenuous forms of exercise, and always be sure to stay nice and warm. Even a brisk walk outside daily can do wonders to support your Wei Qi.

The nutrition we take in supports Ying Qi. Eating in season is a great practice, and we have guides for each season to help you know what the best foods are for every season. The most nutritious foods are fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

The herbs we use in crafting traditional Chinese teas are all highly nutritious and support he Ying Qi. Many are of great interest to the scientific community for their unique and powerful nutrition in modern times.
Wang, Ang, b. 1615; Hu, Tsung-wen Shen-nung pen ts’ao pei yao i fang ho pien (Herbal and Prescriptions)


The herbs we use in crafting traditional Chinese teas are all highly nutritious and support he Ying Qi. Many are of great interest to the scientific community for their unique and powerful nutrition in modern times.

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in TCM, and they power Yuan Qi. For most people, simply staying properly hydrated, well-nourished, and making sure to get the right amount of exercise is the best way to support the health of your kidneys. For those who suffer from kidney imbalance, there are special TCM blends that might help restore balance.

The Best Herbs for Healthy Immunity

There are a few herbs and herbal tea blends that we recommend specifically to support healhty immunity.

Click Here to see all our Recommend Healthy Immunity Teas


Astragalus is probably the best known in TCM for keeping immunity in top shape all year round.  This super food has been found to have an abundance of nutritional compounds that actively support the immune system by modern science, but has also been used for centuries in food and folk medicine.

It’s always a good idea to take astragalus when you know that cold and flu season is coming. Using astragalus in your everyday routine is a nice natural way to keep your immunity strong.


Honeysuckle is a flower that even people in North America are familiar with, but it’s also an excellent source for health and immunity supporting nutrition. In TCM, this herb supports the lungs, which in turn circulate the body’s defensive Qi.

All herbs have different temperature properties in TCM. Due to its cooling nature, it’s good for clearing excessive heat and forcing out pathogens. Overall, honeysuckle is a great for balancing Yin and Yang in the body. It’s a go to for cold and flu season.
Honeysuckle Flower is a popular herb in Traditional Herbalism


All herbs have different temperature properties in TCM. Due to its cooling nature, it’s good for clearing excessive heat and forcing out pathogens. Overall, honeysuckle is a great for balancing Yin and Yang in the body. It’s a go to for cold and flu season.

Triple Immunity Tea

Using a real traditional herbal formula like Triple Immune Support can give a gentle boost to help get through the day. Our blend nourishes, soothes, and it’s okay to drink a bit more when you need it the most.

Caring for Yourself

During cold and flu season, exercising extra caution by washing your hands frequently and following your doctor’s recommendations are all extremely important. Remembering to care for your body by staying hydrated with warm, non-caffeinated drinks, gentle exercise, and eating nourishing food are all simple things we can do at home to protect ourselves and promote a healthy immune system.

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