Beat the Heat with Bravo Iced Teas

Herbal Teas in the Summer Months The benefits of drinking herbal teas daily are numerous. Yet, in these summer months, it can be difficult to want to enjoy a hot beverage. Luckily, the benefits of herbal teas are not only present when served hot! Any of our many health-supporting teas are still good for you […]

Traditional Tips for Wintertime Health

Learn the traditional way to stay balanced and healthy during wintertime.

Winter in TCM Yin energy is dominant during winter. Yin is represented as the black part of the yin-yang symbol. As you might have guessed, this energy is slower, darker, and colder than the bright yang energy of summer.

Recent Ginseng Study

Facts About Ginseng Recently, The Journal of Ginseng Research published a study. The study determined that one ginseng compound may be beneficial for exercise and anti-aging.

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